Stop Drinking and Create the Life You Love! Hey Sister! Do you find yourself saying, “I need to get control of my drinking?” Do you google “How to know if I’m drinking too much” or “Am I an alcoholic?” Feeling stressed most of the time? Is your health going downhill and it makes you feel like crap? Is your anxiety through the roof, so much that you wake up at 3am with your heart racing and thinking negative thoughts about yourself? You hide it well. Not many people know. You show up for work, you workout (sometimes), you walk around with a smile on your face for the world to see and meanwhile you think... I wish I was a better mom… I want to be a better person. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just quit? Yet you still crave that next drink, feel like a failure, and sometimes you wonder who you’ve become. You are sick of this cycle with alcohol and you wish you could get your drinking under control. Girl, I see you and I get you! I’m Michelle Porterfield, a Stop Over Drinking and Transormational Results Coach. For so many years I experienced all of this. I was so afraid of what my life would look like alcohol-free. How would I have fun? What would I tell everyone? How would I travel without a drink in my hand? How would I handle stress? I got to a point where I was sick of being stuck. I had tried to stop drinking and I had failed too many times. I made the choice to choose something different – me. It wasn’t easy, it took surrender, daily awareness, new routines, getting honest with myself, and learning to actually feel my emotions instead of stuffing them down… oh…and lots of grace. Friend, it was so worth it. My life was truly transformed on the other side of drinking. And yours can be too. Here‘s the deal: Drinking less is just the first step! I believe that‘s why it can be scary. We know deep down there’s more. Once we see what’s underneath the alcohol, true freedom is found. I am here to help you do just that. So if you’re ready to get out of the daily cycle that leads you to drink, learn why you do the things you do and how to change them, calm your anxiety, cultivate healthy relationships, love and value yourself again, reignite your faith, and create a life of fulfillment. Then now is your time Sister! Let’s do this. Watch the FREE Masterclass: www.setfreesisterhood.com/masterclass Email at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com Come join the FB Sisterhood - https://bit.ly/alcoholfreesisterhood Sign up for the course and get support now: www.setfreesisterhood.com/roadmap
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Hey ladies, this is a bit more of a serious message today with some stats. I believe someone needs to hear this and make a new choice related to their drinking habits.
I will be discussing physical pain. I was more in the habit of covering up my emotional pain and it can be just as detrimental, but there can be some serious long-term consequences if you are drinking to help with physical pain.
Ready for support?
Email me @ michelle@setfreesisterhood.com
I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
229 \\ The one quick hack to help you choose NOT to drink.
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Hey ladies! Summer is here! I love the Summer break and it can bring different triggers and desires to drink. It could be from stress or it could be from the excitement and joy of cookouts and friends. In this episode, I want to help you with some hacks on how to stop and walk through a quick thought process on how to really decide if you want a drink or if is it that you really desire something else.
Ready to work together?
Email me @ michelle@setfreesisterhood.com
I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Hey, my friends.
It's great to be back from my little break. I've missed you! Happy June!
Do you struggle to forgive? I have. What I have learned and come to believe to be true is that when we forgive others, it will set us free! What??!!!
Yes! It doesn’t mean that “they are off the hook” but it does mean that you get to release them.
Ready to work together?
Email me @ michelle@setfreesisterhood.com
I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
227 \\ For everything there is a season....this one is rest. Will you do the same?
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Hey sisters,
I want to encourage you to rest. In this episode, I share how I am taking a rest break for the month of May. In what area of your life do you need rest? How can you recover your strength? Stay tuned and close to the Facebook group. Email me with any questions or if you are curious about coaching! Talk soon!
Ready to work together?
Email me @ michelle@setfreesisterhood.com
I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Hey ladies!
Is there a real serious part of you that know that you do not want to drink? And there’s another part that just somehow convinces you that you do? In this episode, I begin to explain this struggle. I felt it and was deep inside of this battle for so long. This is the key to freedom ladies! Let me know what stands out for you.
Ready to work together?
Email me @ michelle@setfreesisterhood.com
I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
When was the last time you really listened to your kids? Are you willing to let them speak honestly even if you feel uncomfortable and "get your feelings hurt"? It is necessary to be open and let our kids tell us what they need from us even if it hurts. I hope this conversation encourages you.
Ready to work together?
Email me @ michelle@setfreesisterhood.com
I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
224 \\ Want More Joy In Your Life? Here’s How.
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
How's your level of Joy?
Did I get an eye roll because you can't remember when you have felt joy? In this episode, I remind you where our joy comes from and how you can cultivate it back into your life. Have a wonderful Easter weekend. Stay blessed!
Much love Sister.
Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
When is the last time you really looked at your coping skills? Do you just drink when you feel stressed or overwhelmed? In this episode, I help you determine new ways to cope and take steps toward your stop-drinking goal.
Much love Sister.
Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
222 \\ Life Lessons From A 5 Year Old Little Girl.
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
What does a 5-year-old little girl have that she can teach to us? I say ALOT!
In this episode, I share a recent experience with a little girl who lit up a room and was filled with joy. I believe we can use this to learn and grow and remember. Who were you at 5 yrs old? What did you love and enjoy? I hope this episode encourages you to dig a bit deeper.
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Ready for support? Email me at Michelle@setfreesisterhood.com
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
221 \\ 5 Simple Ways To Connect With God And Grow Your Faith.
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Are you struggling with your faith? Is it a high value to you but you do not know how to reconnect with God? In this episode, I show you 5 ways for you to grow your faith. I encourage you to just start. Take simple action and be consistent. God is always with us and willing to connect.
Much love Sister.
Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,