Stop Drinking and Create the Life You Love! Hey Sister! Do you find yourself saying, “I need to get control of my drinking?” Do you google “How to know if I’m drinking too much” or “Am I an alcoholic?” Feeling stressed most of the time? Is your health going downhill and it makes you feel like crap? Is your anxiety through the roof, so much that you wake up at 3am with your heart racing and thinking negative thoughts about yourself? You hide it well. Not many people know. You show up for work, you workout (sometimes), you walk around with a smile on your face for the world to see and meanwhile you think... I wish I was a better mom… I want to be a better person. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just quit? Yet you still crave that next drink, feel like a failure, and sometimes you wonder who you’ve become. You are sick of this cycle with alcohol and you wish you could get your drinking under control. Girl, I see you and I get you! I’m Michelle Porterfield, a Stop Over Drinking and Transormational Results Coach. For so many years I experienced all of this. I was so afraid of what my life would look like alcohol-free. How would I have fun? What would I tell everyone? How would I travel without a drink in my hand? How would I handle stress? I got to a point where I was sick of being stuck. I had tried to stop drinking and I had failed too many times. I made the choice to choose something different – me. It wasn’t easy, it took surrender, daily awareness, new routines, getting honest with myself, and learning to actually feel my emotions instead of stuffing them down… oh…and lots of grace. Friend, it was so worth it. My life was truly transformed on the other side of drinking. And yours can be too. Here‘s the deal: Drinking less is just the first step! I believe that‘s why it can be scary. We know deep down there’s more. Once we see what’s underneath the alcohol, true freedom is found. I am here to help you do just that. So if you’re ready to get out of the daily cycle that leads you to drink, learn why you do the things you do and how to change them, calm your anxiety, cultivate healthy relationships, love and value yourself again, reignite your faith, and create a life of fulfillment. Then now is your time Sister! Let’s do this. Watch the FREE Masterclass: www.setfreesisterhood.com/masterclass Email at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com Come join the FB Sisterhood - https://bit.ly/alcoholfreesisterhood Sign up for the course and get support now: www.setfreesisterhood.com/roadmap
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
220 \\ Why ”Getting Healthy” Can’t Be The Main Goal!
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
How many times have you thought or said “I want to get healthy”? It’s not enough to have such a vague goal. Inside this episode, I help you see how you can define what health is for you and why you actually want it, and what it will feel like when you get it.
Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
219 \\ The Truth About Procrastination And What You Can Do About It!
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Do you consider yourself a “procrastinator”? Do you sometimes think you are lazy? These are very different and you may be surprised the reason you procrastinate can be a deeper issue. This episode will help you take a look at yourself and ask a few new questions to determine why you do what you do. I would love to hear from you!
Email me at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Hey sisters,
You are in for a treat today. My friend Kris shares her journey with you on how she was overdrinking, thinking she was in control but quickly realizing she needed to release the control to grow. She shares her heart and exposes the power of saying yes to coaching.
You can now message me and connect @ https://setfreesisterhood.com/
Email me @ coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
217 \\ This Is How You Will FINALLY Stop Overdrinking! Listen NOW!
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
You’ve been asking!
Here’s your chance to finally break free from overdrinkng. Join the masterclass and also commit to the Stop Overdrinking Sisterhood Program.
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
216 \\ Your Beliefs Are Driving Your Behavior. This Is Why You Can’t Stop Drinking!
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Do you realize that the beliefs that you have deep down are what drive your behavior? We can “know” this but not really “get” this.
In this episode, I share a client's experience where she knew that drinking wasn’t serving her and helping her life but she kept going to it. We had to dig a little deeper to find them and begin to create new beliefs that she can practice.
What do you hear in your mind when you are triggered to drink? Take a moment to explore this week.
Great news!!! I announced the FREE Masterclass coming February 27th in the Set Free Sisterhood Facebook Group! Sign up at
You can now message me and connect @ https://setfreesisterhood.com/
Email me @ coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
215 \\ Do You Want To Get Your Control Back Now? This Is How!
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Hey ladies!
Any control freaks out there?? I’m raising my hand. I am a recovering control freak. If anything, this was the key player under the layers of my drinking habits. It took me a while to dig and realize all the areas of my life and others that I was trying to control.
In this episode, I help you see things you may not have seen that you are trying to control but now you can lay it down to feel more free!
If you want to dive deeper and get one-on-one support
You can now message me and connect @ https://setfreesisterhood.com/
Email me @ coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Hey Sister, remember when I realized that my drinking had truly become an idol for me. I realized that wine was my go-to in almost all circumstances. I thought of it for many hours a day it truly consumed my mind. I believed it was the answer to having fun for stress relief when I was angry when I was experiencing pain or sadness or joy. For anything that I needed help with, I went to wine. It had become my god and I hadn't even realized it. I hadn't even realized that I had placed it above all things until that moment.
In this episode, I break down what an idol is in 2023 and how you can check to see if there are things that you are making number 1 in your life over God.
You can now message me and connect @ https://setfreesisterhood.com/
Email me @ coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
213 \\ Stop Lying to Yourself! It’s Keeping You Stuck in the Cycle of Overdrinking.
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
When is the last time you were really honest with yourself about how you felt? Do you brush it off when you feel anything uncomfortable by telling yourself "it's fine, it's fine"? Thinking it will just go away or get better on its own? This is not being kind to ourselves and it will NOT move us forward in the direction we so deeply desire to go. In this episode, I share how to be honest and why it's important. Acknowledging how we feel and being honest is truly the first step toward healing. I give you an exercise to work on this weekend. I hope that you will take the time to do it. I would love to hear how you did!
You can now message me and connect @ https://setfreesisterhood.com/
Email me @ coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Have you ever thought to yourself, "Why do I drink so much? Why can't I stop drinking? Why can't I have just one?" You are not alone. I asked myself the same questions. What I have found is this is not helpful. What if you changed the questions to What? Inside this episode, I help you with this process in hopes to open up your mind to new awareness and potential action steps.
You can now message me and connect @ https://setfreesisterhood.com/
Email me @ coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
211 \\ The Real Truth About Self Help, Self Improvement, and New Years Goals!
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Happy New Year!
Do you like the idea of New Years' Resolutions? Do you have a word of the year yet? Let me say, You are great where you are if you do or if you don't. In this episode, you could be set free from the pressure of self-help and self-improvement! Listen to hear how you can celebrate your wins and grow from the lessons you've learned and Un-become what you are not!
If you are finally ready to remove the mind drama and live a life of freedom, let go of overthinking, and not only love your life but learn to love yourself - I am the coach for you!! Now is your time girl!
You can now message me and connect @ https://setfreesisterhood.com/
Email me @ coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,