Stop Drinking and Create the Life You Love! Hey Sister! Do you find yourself saying, “I need to get control of my drinking?” Do you google “How to know if I’m drinking too much” or “Am I an alcoholic?” Feeling stressed most of the time? Is your health going downhill and it makes you feel like crap? Is your anxiety through the roof, so much that you wake up at 3am with your heart racing and thinking negative thoughts about yourself? You hide it well. Not many people know. You show up for work, you workout (sometimes), you walk around with a smile on your face for the world to see and meanwhile you think... I wish I was a better mom… I want to be a better person. What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just quit? Yet you still crave that next drink, feel like a failure, and sometimes you wonder who you’ve become. You are sick of this cycle with alcohol and you wish you could get your drinking under control. Girl, I see you and I get you! I’m Michelle Porterfield, a Stop Over Drinking and Transormational Results Coach. For so many years I experienced all of this. I was so afraid of what my life would look like alcohol-free. How would I have fun? What would I tell everyone? How would I travel without a drink in my hand? How would I handle stress? I got to a point where I was sick of being stuck. I had tried to stop drinking and I had failed too many times. I made the choice to choose something different – me. It wasn’t easy, it took surrender, daily awareness, new routines, getting honest with myself, and learning to actually feel my emotions instead of stuffing them down… oh…and lots of grace. Friend, it was so worth it. My life was truly transformed on the other side of drinking. And yours can be too. Here‘s the deal: Drinking less is just the first step! I believe that‘s why it can be scary. We know deep down there’s more. Once we see what’s underneath the alcohol, true freedom is found. I am here to help you do just that. So if you’re ready to get out of the daily cycle that leads you to drink, learn why you do the things you do and how to change them, calm your anxiety, cultivate healthy relationships, love and value yourself again, reignite your faith, and create a life of fulfillment. Then now is your time Sister! Let’s do this. Watch the FREE Masterclass: www.setfreesisterhood.com/masterclass Email at michelle@setfreesisterhood.com Come join the FB Sisterhood - https://bit.ly/alcoholfreesisterhood Sign up for the course and get support now: www.setfreesisterhood.com/roadmap
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Hey friend, I remember the first vacation I took sober. It was amazing! It also had a bit of boredom and weirdness too and that's part of the journey. Would you like to at least drink less on your vacation this summer? In this episode, I break down exactly how you can do that. Here's the great part! You get to be in complete control of your choice.
Let me know how it goes!
Want to dive deeper? Curious about what coaching looks like and how it can help? Email me at coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com and let's set up a free call!
Come DM me over on insta:
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
This week the concept of freedom has been on my mind and heart. Monday was Memorial Day and I'm so grateful for all those who have served so that I can feel safe and be free in this country. There are also many other types of freedom that I now feel in my life. I wanted to share this with you this week and give you the steps that you will need to take to begin to become free. We must have freedom from, freedom to, and freedom to be.
I would love you support you on your personal journey for freedom.
Want to dive deeper? Curious about what coaching looks like and how it can help? Email me at coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com and let's set up a free call!
Also if you commit to coaching with me you get $100 off in June!!
Come DM me over on insta:
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Hey sister friend! Have you heard?
It's the most-watched trial since OJ they are saying. To be honest, I've been watching more about this trial and I am super aware that there is an overarching issue no matter the "side" you are on. What does it have to do with this podcast?
In this episode, I share the main issues that I see as it relates to alcohol and drug abuse and I believe we all have deeper wounds that need to be healed and that the more we cover them up, and numb them out, the farther away we get from the truth and our own freedom.
Want to dive deeper? Curious about what coaching looks like and how it can help? Email me at coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com and let's set up a free call!
Also if you commit to coaching with me you get $100 off in June!!
Come DM me over on insta:
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday May 19, 2022
Thursday May 19, 2022
Hey friend,
Have you ever said "I just can't get motivated" or "I always lose motivation?" Well, there is a reason why. Society tells us motivation must be present to keep going and that's just not true. What is true is that your brain is designed to keep you safe and "comfortable". When we are reaching our specific goals and then we judge ourselves, a part of the brain jumps right in to agree and help us find all the reasons we aren't doing a good job, etc. In this episode, I help you get clear on what to expect when you take on a new goal and how to get through to the breakthrough.
Want to dive deeper? Curious about what coaching looks like and how it can help? Email me at coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com and let's set up a free call!
Also if you commit to coaching with me you get $100 off in June!!
Come DM me over on insta:
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
Hey Sister,
Are you already feeling dread over all the expectations that the end of the school year brings? Do you have a graduate like me? Band concerts, awards day? Oh my!!! In years past I would allow the stress and the overwhelm to get to me and had to find ways to cope. Then I would feel crummy about how I was thinking about the whole thing and even get mad if I didn't feel supported. Can you relate?
In this episode, I guide you towards choosing how you want to feel this month and deciding how you want to show up no matter the circumstances. I also give ideas on how you can get support and help yourself block the overwhelm.
Want to dive deeper? Curious about what coaching looks like and how it can help? Email me at coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com and let's set up a free call!
Also if you commit to coaching with me you get $100 off in June!!
Come DM me over on insta:
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday May 05, 2022
Thursday May 05, 2022
Hey Mamas and amazing women! Are you held captive by putting others' needs before your own? In this episode, I break down the part of people-pleasing that is keeping you from true love and fulfillment. When we make self-honoring choices we can truly show up as our true selves. For years, I didn't even know what my needs were because I pushed them to the side and chose to cope with various things. I hope this encourages you to take a look at the woman you are and choose to take steps to develop the woman you are meant to be.
Happy Mother's Day!
Want to chat with me for free? Email me at coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com to set up a free 20-minute call!
Come DM me over on insta:
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
Thursday Apr 28, 2022
In this episode, I get to hang out with my friend Amy Triplett. She shares how she was in a dark place with her mindset and how sharing an inner secret filled with shame freed her to grow in all areas of her life. She realized when bringing it out into the light there is freedom. We chat about ways to shift our mindset and feel our feelings. Her business has boomed and so has her marriage. Enjoy and be inspired.
Amy's info:
I am a wife, a mother, and a believer in Jesus Christ. I lead a large network marketing team with Plexus. Through that experience, I’ve had the opportunity to grow as a leader through personal development and mindset work.
Want to chat with me for free? Email me at coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com to set up a free 20-minute call!
Come DM me over on insta:
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
April is Alcohol Awareness Month!! In this episode, I share some specific facts about alcohol and its effect on the population. I also give you a guideline that will help you check in with yourself and know for sure if it's time to get support.
Most of you who listen to this podcast are in a place where your daily drinking is not serving you and may be affecting your sleep, your health, and various relationships. We know the drinking elevates over time. That's what alcohol is designed to do. What I also know is that you are a strong woman and with support and guidance you can get unstuck and begin to trust yourself again and build the life you want!
I can help you do just that!
Want to chat with me for free? Email me at coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com to set up a free 20-minute call!
Come DM me over on insta:
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Thursday Apr 21, 2022
Hey Sister,
Do you constantly allow what's next to spin around in your mind? All the to-do's and events that are coming up? Is this serving you or causing you to stress and overwhelm so you choose to just check out with wine or some version of coping hoping it will stop?
I did this a lot! Now I have the awareness when this comes up and the capacity to handle it and make new choices that do serve me. In this episode, I share what may be going on in your mind, how to get it out and create a system to organize it so that you can truly be more present in your body with your family and friends.
Are you ready to get control of your drinking?? Join me in June for the next group program to help you do just that. Email me @ coachmichelleporterfield@gmail.com
If you are finally ready to remove the mind drama and live a life of freedom, let go of self-loathing and not only love your life but learn to love yourself - I am the coach for you!! Now is your time girl!
Come DM me over on insta:
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Are you in perimenopause? Or down the road?? What about just simply noticing that your body doesn't respond like it used to. You feel like you have no time for exercise or meal prep. In this episode, I speak with my friend SJ from the FIt Productive Mum podcast and she shares so many great tips and ways to track your hormones, plan your movement around your energy, and ways to eat in a way to truly fuel and care for your body.
What one thing can you implement this week?
Let us know!
My podcast Fit Productive Mum
Website: https://bit.ly/productivemumhome
If you are finally ready to remove the mind drama and live a life of freedom, let go of self-loathing and not only love your life but learn to love yourself - I am the coach for you!! Now is your time girl!
Come DM me over on insta:
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay Blessed,